
National Hotline 13912026295
[Cognition of polypropylene cracked filament]
Release date:[2017/11/3] Is reading[1082]次

High-quality polypropylene cracked filament, can be distinguished from the appearance of the details, polypropylene split yarn processed, improving the mechanical, physical and cosmetic properties of fibers to improve the resilience and cohesion, soft, small shrinkage , And has easy to wash, quick-drying effect, good corrosion resistance.

Polypropylene split film silk (commonly known as fishing nets) Uses: polypropylene split yarn woven with a rubber tire pad is the first propylene polymerization of propylene polymer compounds, and then by spinning, weaving made of polypropylene fabric. With a light weight, low moisture absorption, electrostatic effects and other advantages. Polypropylene split film woven silk cloth can be used as industrial fabrics, with light weight, high strength, good wear resistance, smooth surface, small hygroscopicity and other properties. Applicable to the release of the cord release. Can also be used as rubber tires for rubber tires. Polypropylene split film silk into a high-strength polypropylene filter cloth, is widely used in metallurgy, mineral processing, chemical industry, light industry, food, environmental protection and other industries.

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